Sing this song to the tune of “Jesus Loves the Little Children…” (or the Civil War song, “Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys Are Marching,” which is the same tune.)
We’re so sick of all the fighting
Sick of wars around the world
Red and yellow black and white
Stop the fighting, it’s not right
If you love the little children of the world
Won’t you put away your weapons
They just hurt our moms and dads
All our friends and family too
'Til we don’t know what to do
If you love the little children of the world
Won’t you try to solve your problems
Please take turns and share your toys
You don’t have to fuss and fight
‘Cause it hurts us most, that’s right
If you love the little children of the world
Let us play with other children
Go to school and sing our songs
If you let us learn and play
You’ll be glad you did, some day
If you love the little children of the world
Please believe in one another
Trust that others are like you
Everybody needs a hand
All together we can stand
If you love the little children of the world
Please remember all are brothers
Doesn’t matter where we’re from
Different people can be one
Let’s be friends with everyone
If you love the little children of the world
Won’t you stay at home and raise us
Don’t go marching off to war
We need help and we need care
Need to know that you’ll be there
If you love the little children of the world
Won’t you try to keep your temper
Doesn’t matter, wrong or right
Please be gentle, please be mild
Then you’ll never hurt a child
If you love the little children of the world
Hating hurts the little children
Children all around the world
Suffer day and suffer night
Stop the hating, it’s not right
If you love the little children of the world
If they start a war tomorrow
Please just tell them you won’t go
Please stay home and care for me
Oh how happy we will be
If you love the little children of the world
Never hurt another person
Even though life seems unfair
Even when your heart is blue
We’ll hold hands and see it through
If you love the little children of the world
Please don’t be one of the bad guys
Never let that guy be you
All the guys who blow things up
How we wish they would grow up
If you love the little children of the world
Please don’t ever hurt another
Sad things happen when you do
Find a way to end the fight
Find a way to make things right
If you love the little children of the world
Won't you please just solve your problems
Talk them over till you do
Take your time and stay up late
There’s no hurry, we can wait
If you love the little children of the world
Fighting only makes it harder
Try to share and share alike
There’s enough for all, it’s true
When we do what we should do
If you love the little children of the world
Won’t you stop all of the hurting
All the crying and the pain
Help us keep our eyes and hands
Let us live in our own lands
If you love the little children of the world
It’s not really so confusing
You can do it if you try
Do as you would want them to
It’s not really hard to do
If you love the little children of the world
Hold your ears and never listen
To the mean things people say
You don’t have to be afraid
We’re a family God has made
If you love the little children of the world
Help us build a world for children
All the children of the world
Build a world of peace and joy
Safe for every girl and boy
If you love the little children of the world
Do you have a suggestion for another verse or two? Do you have a favorite? Thanks!
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