Fair Negotiations with Iran. NOT.

When my little sister and I would argue over a candy bar, my mom would remind us the only way to divide anything up fairly was to let one side divide, and the other side choose.


So the Bush administration has divvied up fairly (they say) all that is at stake in their looming war with Iran. Yet Iran still seems stubbornly “diplophobic,” as David Ignatius expresses it, and refuses to come to the negotiating table. Surely the opening terms of the negotiation are reasonable and unbiased?


For each of the terms of the negotiation listed below, select the ones which a nation truly committed to sovereignty, respect, and fairness within the world community of nations might choose:


Create the largest, most powerful military force in history, by far, and use it to advance far-flung interests;


Create a military force suitable to repel invaders;


Invade, intervene, colonize, economically exploit, set up puppet dictatorships, and politically and militarily interfere with the sovereignty of many nations near and far;


Attempt to repel invaders;


Invade and displace the residents of distant lands in order to establish military bases; 


Drop atomic bombs on civilian populations of other nations;


Develop, use, and share chemical weapons with allies; arm allies and overlook their acquisition of atomic weapons;


Develop and buy the natural resources of other (weaker) countries on one's own terms;


Invade other nations on trumped-up pretexts, blow up whatever/whomever, manipulate others' sovereignty and traditions, defy world opinion, and build huge, permanent military installations on foreign land, settling down wherever they want in order to favorably control the flow and price of scarce resources;


Send secret agents to assassinate or remove popular leaders and to undermine democratic elections, near and far;


Build thousands of conventional, chemical, and nuclear weapons, as well as secretive permanent installations, in order to study biological weapons; develop new kinds of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons—and use such weapons against any countries which “might” someday threaten their “interests,” or those of their allies;


Develop and use conventional weapons when actually invaded;


Threaten nuclear annihilation when other nations research nuclear technology; 


Develop nuclear energy technology for one's own energy needs;


Torture and hold suspected enemies indefinitely without due process of law;


Be the nation with the “might” that makes “right,” with the gold that makes the rules, with the freedom to disregard international opinion and world governing and legal bodies, choosing to do what it wants, when it wants, where it wants, to whomever it wants.


International fairness is demonstrated when individual nations hold themselves to the same high international standards of behavior they expect from others. America is the biggest and strongest nation among equals, established under the highest principles, ideals and values; we can also choose to become the humblest, the most respected, even the most loved nation, by reflecting in our international policies our deeply-held belief that all men truly are created equal, with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and by living the golden rule–treating all others as we would like to be treated.


Please send comments to epharmon@adelphia.net







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