First, the comics about war:
Two of my (unfinished) comic strip characters were kids–one, a smart, mouthy, radical multi-racial activist type, “Krissy,” and the other, her conservative, wealthy, red-blooded-American patriot boyfriend, “Cole,” who loves war toys and dreams of a military career. These two kids are crazy about each other, but they are also always arguing about politics…. Since I wrote (but never drew) these panels, will you imagine them with me?
(Cole, thinking aloud)
Krissy’s version of patriotism seems like a lot of trouble.
It takes years of work, money, time, and sacrifice to make a peaceful difference in the world.
In the old days, all you had to do to be patriotic was … die… and kill… and maim…and maybe get maimed….
But at least you could get it over with!
(Cole, thinking aloud)
Krissy thinks true patriots work for peace and justice all the time.
She says dying for your country is not enough.
She says you have to be willing to live for your country, too.
Dying seems like a lot less trouble.
(Cole thinking aloud)
Krissy says it’s no longer enough to be willing to kill and die for your country.
She says true patriots live for their country by working and sacrificing all their lives.
But realizing global peace and justice is so much work!
When I said I’d be willing to give my life for my country, I never meant this!
(Cole thinking aloud)
Patriotism is a lot more complicated nowadays.
History has shown that even America has fought unjust, immoral wars.
In the olden days, patriots only had to be willing to kill and die for their country.
Nowadays, I guess they’d better understand why, too.
(Cole to Krissy)
I think I prefer the old days….
…when all you had to do to be a patriot was die for your country….
I mean, living for your country in peacetime could turn out to be a real drag….
I mean, what if I have to live a really long time?!
(Cole thinking aloud)
Patriotism used to be only a two-year hitch.
Now Krissy tells me true patriots should work hard their whole lives to prevent the injustices that cause war.
But if we prevent all war, everyone will have to live peacefully ‘til they’re really really old!
What a rotten deal….
(Cole thinking aloud)
Krissy thinks the truest patriotism is living, not dying for your country.
She thinks we all need to learn more about national and global politics….
…and work hard to uphold our country’s ideals for everyone in the world.
It seems like dying would be a lot simpler….
(Cole thinking aloud)
Krissy says ideals can’t end at national borders.
She says we either want liberty and justice for all, or we don’t really hold those ideals at all.
She says “liberty and justice for some” just doesn’t ring true.
I have a feeling this is gonna be a lot of trouble.
(Krissy is carrying a “protest sign” in the first panel (“IF YOU WANT PEACE, WORK FOR JUSTICE”)
(Cole) Hey! I’m not my brother’s keeper, you know!
I’m only interested in looking out for American interests! I can’t worry about everybody else on the planet!
(In this panel he has his hand over his heart, pledging) “I pledge allegiance…to the flag…with liberty and justice for all…uh…er…all … uh… Americans…. Hmmmm.
(Cole, angry, with hands on hips.) RATS….
(Krissy is carrying a protest sign that says, THINK GLOBAL. ACT LOCAL.
OK, since you’ve so patiently waded through my peace comics, here are some good sex comics….
I read a wonderful how-to book (Sex and Sensibility: The Thinking Parent’s Guide to Talking About Sex, by Deborah M. Roffman, about the importance of values-oriented sex education, and then I wrote the following panels using my four comic strip characters (all young children), and introducing a new character, Ms. Z, an elderly Jewish lady who was once a sex education public health nurse. She’s a tiny fiery fireplug of a woman, a very stereotypically loving Jewish-mom-type who nurtures her four neighbor-kids. (Ms. Z is based on my best friend/next-door neighbor, age 80+) I never drew this series either. Four panels each, with usually at least two of the kids talking in each panel, and sometimes all four talking in a panel.
My parents seem to think it’s not nice to talk and think about sex until I’m an adult.
Mine too.
But it’s a difficult thing to do.
I mean, we’re surrounded by talk about sex, all day every day, on TV, in books and magazines, the kids at school, the stuff on the net….
I guess we’re not supposed to notice….
What our parents don’t get is that we’re surrounded by sex, all day every day, whether we like it or not.
Yeah. They don’t know what we know.
And we don’t know what we don’t know.
It’s sort of a conspiracy of silence.
Hmmm. Do you think we’re the good guys or the bad guys?
My mom says parents will tell kids everything they need to know about sex on their wedding night.
So when do we get to ask our questions?
I guess after that.
When it’s too late.
My mom thinks I know nothing about sex, and she plans to keep it that way.
That’s why I can’t ask her any questions—if I do, she worries about me knowing about sex and thinking about it.
So why don’t you just maturely tell her you know a lot already, but need her help sorting it all out?
I don’t think she’s developmentally ready for that yet….
From what I can tell, sex is all one big disaster.
Yeah, it can make you sick, crazy, poor, and sometimes it even kills you.
I guess we’re supposed to learn about sex from our mistakes?
You’d think they’d invent a better way….
My mom encourages me to talk with her about sex and then freaks out when I ask her questions.
Sometime it seems like sexuality is something I should learn all about in order to be a mature, responsible, caring, healthy adult.
And sometimes I feel like it’s a naughty nasty secret that we’re not supposed to know anything about.
Schizophrenia begins at home….
Everywhere I turn, the subject of sex comes up.
I have so many questions that I really need to have answered.
I mean, I wanna be good, smart, and happy, and I really wish I could understand where sex fits into all of this.
(Looking sad) Everybody’s talking about sex, but nobody’s listening….
If the subject of sex even comes up in my family…
My mom gets embarrassed.
Mine gets mad.
My dad changes the subject.
Mine leaves.
I guess we’ll just have to learn about sex from our friends and the internet.
We’re twenty-first century kids trapped in nineteenth century families.
…and then, if you pray, millions of sperm fly like electricity through the air, and…
Are you sure that’s the way it works?
I think so, but my parents get all freaked out and embarrassed when I ask questions.
I guess sex is something we’re supposed to learn by trial and error….
Sex seems to have something to do with being bad.
And with secret body parts.
And sneaking around.
And unwanted pregnancies.
And infections.
And even dying.
But it also seems to be about love and caring.
(They stare blankly at each other in silence.)
Well, I sure don’t get the connection….
No, I can’t see any connection either…..
The kids on the playground all say that grownups, are like, you know, like dogs? They rub their thingys together until they make a baby?
Ooog. Disgusting. That’s it? That’s everything?
Yeah, that’s it.
Well, I guess we finally understand all about sex.
(in unison, depressed) What a bummer.
I guess when we’re adults, we’ll understand all about sex.
But for now, I hate it that I have so many questions and no one to ask.
My parents seem to know all about it, but they get all freaked out if I ask questions about it.
I wonder who they asked?
Y’know, between the four of us, we know a lot about sex.
Yeah, we’ve learned so much from books, magazines, our music, parents, the internet, TV, and each other. I mean, how can we help it? It’s everywhere!
Well, it still seems all crazy and confusing to me. I wish we had someone who could answer our questions….
(in unison) Ms. Z!!!
My mom says Ms. Z was a sexuality education nurse before she retired.
Yeah, I’ve known her since I was little.
Me too.
She’s really nice.
My parents say we can ask her anything.
(They stare at each other in silence)
You first.
What did Ms. Z do when you asked her your sex question?
Well, she answered it. She didn’t even act surprised, embarrassed, angry, or bossy. She seemed, actually, fine about it.
(They stare at each other, looking uncertain, in silence.)
Maybe she’s an alien.
Was Ms. Z shocked that you knew something about sex?
Was she mad that you were interested in it?
Did she make you feel dumb?
Or treat you like a little kid?
Did she embarrass you?
Did she answer your questions?
Boy, we could sure use her on the school playground.
Ms. Z says sex is about who you are as much as about what you do.
She says sex is about caring, communicating, and taking responsibility, as much as it is about genitals.
So what do you think?
Sounds very unlikely.
Ms. Z answered that sex question I was wondering about for so long.
So now you understand all about sex.
Well, actually, to be perfectly honest, there’s a problem with having someone who will answer your sex questions for you.
Now I have more questions.
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