Hillary and Barack both have wonderful abilities and qualities.
However, pick only the one candidate whom you feel is the BEST qualified:
Whose campaign runs like the country should run?
Who believes in a transparent government?
Who will tell the truth if they do something wrong?
Who trusts the public to be able to handle the truth?
Who values advisors who disagree?
Who respects and welcomes opposing points of view?
Who won’t hurry into war?
Who will resist the pressures of special interests and big money?
Whose family will be a credit to (and a delight in) the White House?
Whose tenure will reflect most positively upon America?
Who is liked and respected by all members of Congress and the Supreme Court?
Who can explain confusing issues to the American public?
Who can we believe when we hear conflicting stories?
Who is the least partisan candidate?
Who has the most global perspectives?
Who has an audacious vision of where to go, and a detailed plan for how to get there?
Who has the leadership and executive skills to solve even our biggest problems?
Whose example inspires us all to make personal sacrifices for the common good?
Who will guide us thoughtfully through national emergencies, tragedies, and catastrophes?
Who inspires our youth to greater effort, contribution, and productivity?
Who are national and world leaders eager to work with?
Who is it impossible not to like and admire?
Who do we most want to see succeed?
Who can heal our many divisions?
Who holds to moral principles under pressure?
Who has sound judgment under pressure?
Who reaches out in friendship to all foreign leaders and ordinary citizens?
Who will bind up the nation’s wounds?
Who can be counted on to defend us wisely from those who would do us harm?
Whose leadership inspires all the world’s peoples?
Who will move citizens of all ages and backgrounds toward greater civic involvement?
Who is the most intellectually broad-banded?
Who has the best “people skills”?
Who understands minority perspectives?
Who can offer global leadership toward solutions to common problems?
Who can sell tough solutions to the American public?
Who do Republicans not mind losing to?
Who inspires the confidence of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike?
Who do I look forward to listening to, weekly or more often, for the next eight years?
Who has the potential to become America’s greatest President, in her time of greatest need?
Please send comments to njcpace@gmail.com