Here's Why Barack Obama Is Our Most Electable Candidate.

Barack is our most electable candidate in November. Here's why.


Nearly everyone in the country already supports the changes Barack embraces.


More and more citizens are confident that Barack is a good, knowledgable, experienced, strong leader and talented politician of great integrity, a devoted family man focused on helping the American people, talented, patriotic, Christian, and very capable of working his excellent good plan for bringing about real change in America.


Nearly everyone who gets to know Barack likes and respects him, and trusts his leadership.


Barack already has tons of money to campaign with, great ad-makers, and great fund-raising ability.


Barack is winning over the hearts and minds of his media critics, regardless of their previous stances.


Barack is completely focused on winning the general election in November, and what Barack focuses on gets done.


John McCain, a good and patriotic public servant, represents the wrong agenda, and has a big set of problems and weaknesses.


Barack is a brilliant, proven campaigner.


Barack’s campaign organization, staff and volunteers are highly experienced and effective.


Barack and his campaign organization and volunteers have learned a lot.


Barack’s many new supporters will contribute in countless ways to his campaign.


Barack’s 50-state voter-registration effort will bring in many more voters.


Barack is completely focused on convincing us that (with our help) he can bring about the changes we want


Barack dominates the media every day with his thoughtful responses to breaking news.


Barack has won the wholehearted respect and support of all party leaders, including Hillary’s supporters, all of whom are willing and eager to work with him.


Hillary supporters already support Obama’s agenda.


If Hillary interferes, Democratic party leaders will work in unanimity to convince her to end her campaign.


Barack too will persuade Hillary to wholeheartedly support his campaign by encouraging her to take a strong role in his administration.


Hillary will loyally and persuasively convince her supporters to vote for Barack, and will wholeheartedly and effectively campaign for him.


Barack will handle the issues, crises, setbacks, and eventualities which will arise during the campaign in his characteristic calm, thoughtful manner.


Barack will offer strong, persuasive, effective leadership concerning the problem of racism.


Barack has prepared both the media and the American citizenry to recognize and reject campaign distractions and dirty tricks, and the politics of division, hate, and fear.


Barack will select the best possible running mate, who will balance the ticket, help the Democrats win in November, and help Barack accomplish his agenda for change over the next eight years.


Barack Obama will win the presidency in 2008.


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