Just for the record, I still think that every one of Obama's descriptive hints about who will be his VP choice have pointed right at Mark Warner, and that Warner will be his VP nominee.
I think Obama has wanted Warner all along (for years) for all the best possible reasons, including clinching winning in November and getting his agenda for change done over the next eight years.
Because of their many differences, I suspect Barack will have had to do some pretty persuasive arguing to win Warner over to his ticket, but Barack is a pretty persuasive arguer.
I think that (1) for the good of the nation, and (2) Virginians, and (3) the Democratic party, and (4) Warner's own family, as heirs to what happens in the world over the next eight years, and (5) because of the fierce urgency of now, and (6) due to Barack's amazing leadership skills, serving as VEEP will trump Warner's sincere desire and alternative political path and ambitions and plans to serve as Senator of his beloved state of Virginia.
Those three darling teenage daughters who asked Dad to put off his national ambitions until they were all in college, and Warner's great wife too, will let him off the hook and give him the go-ahead, if taking the VP job is what he is finally convinced is, after all, best for all concerned (that is, all the people in the world.) Warner's a pretty persuasive arguer too.
Virginians will be momentarily devastated if Warner accepts the VP nomination, but they will quickly readjust when they realize that the popular Tim Kaine can serve them ably in the Senate, that they have many excellent Democratic options to replace Kaine as Governor and to be the next Governor, and that a beloved Virginia favorite son will not only serve in the White House as Vice President for eight years, but will also be the next U.S. President.
The Republicans will be dismayed. “Two Harvard Lawyers” is the worst that they can do with this pair….
I bet some small change on my Mark Warner prognostication a few months ago on intrade, where Warner is now standing at around 0 odds (or something similar) so evidently lots of people on the inside know reasons I don't know about, why this VP match wouldn't work just fine. Considering I know nothing about anyone in politics except what I read in the papers and on the net (and much of that is, of course, nonsense), the knowledgeable folk at intrade who put their money on the line will probably prove me wrong for the many good reasons I know not of.
I'll be sad though, if I'm wrong, and in this particular case, losing the bet money will have nothing to do with it. (In fact, the odds may go up with this blog, who knows?! Stranger things have happened….) But everyone likes to “be right,” especially me. And it was just fun to take the leap on something that would be so wonderful. Obama/Warner would be an amazing ticket, and an unbeatable, truly great and historic sixteen-year run.
By the way, I hate gambling in general, am uncomfortable with it in person, and played only nickel slot machines during a week once in Las Vegas that I was forced to endure. I don't even buy lottery tickets. But this was a sure thing (LOL), so I couldn't resist.
Because Barack is smart and good, and because Barack gets what he goes after, and, well, as far as I can tell–which isn't that far, as I've explained above–Warner would be the smartest, best choice for America, for Barack, for the Democrats, for the average working voter, for the economy, for the environment…well, so it goes, on and on.
Read my previous blog about Mark Warner for VP on my website, www.epharmony.com, for the reasons why I like Warner for this spot (there are many more), if you want to know my rationale. It hasn't changed.
I also like many of Barack's other outstanding VP options. My first VP pick, after Warner, in order of who I think would be best and who Barack would pick, is Evan Bayh. After Bayh, I'm guessing Biden, Richardson, and Casey. There are several more good possibilities too, for various reasons. But Warner and Bayh fit his clues best. Hillary fits some of his clues too, but I don't think she's a good fit for VP (though a great public servant) and I doubt that Obama will think so either.
But if I'm trying to think like Barack and decode his priorities and his signals, I'm guessing/hoping it's Warner.
And yes, if this post looks wildly foolish tomorrow, it will be easy to delete this post…. After all, I'm not famous (yet….)
Please send your comments to njcpace@gmail.com. Thank you!