What is this blog about?
An epharmonious sharing of…
my responses to breaking news stories;
occasional essays on culture, politics, spirituality, gardening, animals, art, relationships, religion, history, and other subjects I'm interested in;
my short stories;
a comic strip I'm creating;
my watercolor paintings;
my thoughts on acceptance and related topics;
photos from my garden;
occasional prayers; and
whatever else I'm learning or thinking or creating….
I haven't stopped to learn how to market this blog; I need to. I also want to make it prettier.
Lately, I've been busy breathing. Mostly in, but sometimes out, too.
Here are some future postings I'm working on, but you gotta be patient….
News That's Neither New Nor Interesting
Why It's Dumb To Pick On China
Government By Bad Policy Barfed Up in Four-Year Cycles by Unaccountable Presidents
Germany's RAF, and Our Own John Brown Terrorism National Park
Bloggers Need Old-Media Journalists
Our Own Bad Habits: Not Just Our Own Bad Business
Don't Sell Federal Land; Trade Up For Green Space
Dead Soldiers' Faces in Photo After Photo Keep Staring At Me
Worse Than You Thought: Couples Retiring Together (book review)
Care, Work, Persevere, Fall Flat On Your Face (the Modern Heroic Cycle)
Frederick's Humblest Hometown Hero (Bob Hanson)
Green Day: Review By A Complete American Idiot (DVD review)
Happily Lost In Translation (movie review)
New topics come up every day, so stay tuned!