I haven't abandoned my blog or my cherished readers, but I have undertaken an additional project which I intend to share with all of you as it emerges–a memoir, sort-of-about my military-brat experiences, and about soldiers as ideal universal peace partners…. I've recently stolen a little time from my blogging to research and shape this memoir project. However, I intend to post anecdotes and chapters for your feedback as I write them, and also to return soon to responding to emerging news stories. I hope you will find my memoir an interesting journey, and that you will take this little lull as an opportunity to read early postings you might have missed–a varied but still-relevant stew into which I threw a lot of burning opinion and very enthusiastic creativity….. Thank you, dear readers…. Nancy Pace/”Eppy Harmon”
Please send comments/questions to njcpace@gmail.com. Thank you! Nancy Pace/ “Eppy Harmon” 🙂